Organic Fire Starters | Winter Collection
Ingredients: 100% Soy Wax, Non Toxic Fragrance Oils, Pinecone, Whole Cloves, Pine Needle Sprig, Whole Cinnamon Stick
Each Beautifully packaged Gift Set Box includes (4) Deluxe Organic Fire starters ~ wrapped in cream herringbone cotton ribbon and labeled ~
These make wonderful unique gifts!
The 4-pack Gift sets are offered with Quantity Bulk rates, and also offered in Individual Bulk Quantity (as shown in the video example!)
Each option is always packaged pretty
* (50) 4-Pack Gift Sets = 15% Discount
* (100) 4-Pack Gift Sets = 20% Discount
* (50) Individual Bulk Quantity
* (100) Individual Bulk Quantity
Instructions: Place the organic Firestarter under paper and kindling and logs and light! It will get your fire going in a whole new way! Enjoy the scent of Pine, cloves and cinnamon ~ the scent typically can reach within 3-4 feet. If you are using is for outdoor firepits the scent will reach 1-2 feet.
Be mindful of your distance from the fire. Enjoy!
Note: Cannot be used in a Pellet Stove or Gas Fireplace.
The box is recyclable! Or just throw it in the fire with the last fire starter!